Frequently asked questions
- How do I apply for a summer associate position?
We conduct on-campus interviews and participate in job fairs at a number of law schools. If we do not interview at your law school, please apply directly to us. Please check back soon to learn which offices will host 1L programs in 2021.
First-year students should apply on the earliest date permitted by their law schools.
- What can I expect during the callback interviews?
Callback students are contacted soon after the initial interview. Each student who receives a callback interview should expect to participate in 30-minute interviews with 4-6 lawyers. Many of our offices host dedicated Callback Days, when students spend approximately three hours in our offices. The recruiting representative will ask If you are interested in particular practice areas. We will make every effort to schedule interviewers from that practice. If you have questions that might be best addressed by particular lawyers, such as parents, women lawyers, lawyers of color, LGBTQ+ lawyers, or newly hired lawyers, please let us know.
What travel expenses does the firm reimburse?
Norton Rose Fulbright will reimburse candidates for reasonable travel expenses incurred in association with callback interviews. Likewise, the firm will participate in shared expenses with other participating law firms in the area. Norton Rose Fulbright has an in-house travel department to assist you with these arrangements. You may download a copy of the NALP Travel Reimbursement Form or request a copy from your recruiter. If you have questions, please contact your Lawyer Recruiting representative. - How soon will I be notified of an offer decision?
The Hiring Committee and Hiring Partner make every effort to respond to each candidate as quickly as possible.
- I received an offer and I still have questions.
We encourage you to direct your questions to the appropriate Lawyer Recruiting representative or the Hiring Partner. We can arrange a second visit, coordinate a follow-up lunch or dinner and/or arrange for you to speak with additional lawyers via telephone or email.
- How long is your summer program?
Our summer programs vary in length by office. Please contact the appropriate Lawyer Recruiting representative.
- Does the practice allow split summers?
Several of our markets permit split summer programs. Please contact your Lawyer Recruiting representative with questions.
- Is there a mentoring program for summer associates?
Each summer associate will receive at least one mentor who will serve as an advisor before, during, and after the summer program.
- What types of work assignments are given to summer associates?
We believe that the summer is a great learning experience and we strive to provide assignments that mirror the work a junior associate would perform. To ensure you get the most from those assignments, our lawyers provide both formal and informal feedback on a frequent basis throughout the summer.
- Will I have the opportunity to do pro bono work during the summer?
As part of our deep commitment to our community, our summer associates will have the ability to learn about our extensive pro bono work and participate in projects. In addition, some of our offices offer community service opportunities as a part of their social calendar.
- What are some of the social activities provided for summer associates?
We believe social activities afford our summer associates a great opportunity to build connections with colleagues and peers. Aside from lunches and dinners with a variety of partners and non-partner lawyers, our summer associates will attend sporting, cultural and teambuilding events.
- What kinds of training and development opportunities will I experience this summer?
Along with the on-the-job training as a result of you working alongside experienced lawyers, we offer our summer associates the ability to attend activities such as client meetings, hearings, depositions and negotiations. Our summer associates also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of legal and business skills workshops and presentations.
- I am interested in a pursuing a judicial clerkship at some point in my career. Does the practice support clerkships?
Serving as a judicial clerk offers an invaluable experience that we encourage associates to pursue. Many of our current lawyers have clerked for federal or state judges, including justices of the US Supreme Court.